Monthly Archives: May 2014

Rafting in Nepal during summer holidays – The rafting season is here!

Rafting in rivers of Nepal is fun especially in summer. With the arrival of summer season, during the long hot days, rafting on the Trishuli River is one of the best ways to cool your mind and body which can be the perfect refreshment plan during your holidays. Himalayan River Operator has plenty of wetsuits and jackets to keep you warm on the river, but these days, they mostly go unused. Rafting at a soothing 27 degrees, the water in the river is inviting you to enjoy the fullest.

White water rafting in  Nepal can also be the great family outing in summer. You may have queries about whether rafting activity is safe for all the members of family. Well, the answer is yes if your youngest one is at least 7 years old. You will feel safest and amused to feel the adrenaline of Nepalese white water with an experienced and well trained operator having in-depth knowledge of all the rapids along the way.


The fun is not limited to rafting, you can experience the other adventure sports like kayaking, cannoning along with the amazing fishing trips at Himalayan river operator Nepal that will surely make your summer holiday a refreshing one.

Doing things is better than buying things

We often feel anxious about the launch of new gadgets in the market and intention of buying it certainly strikes our mind. But have we ever thought about the level of satisfaction that we can get by experiencing the things in our real life at similar costs? You must be reminded that when you see your grown children now love to travel and explore the globe.

With Himalayan river operator team, there will be time to enjoy things that costs nothing – rafting in Nepal , fishing in Nepal, roasting barbeque and camping; the activities that all of us love to do. We all know that our time on this beautiful planet is limited so why wouldn’t you spend some quality time with your family and enjoy your life to the fullest. The best way to have a joyful time with your family is to go for the river trip in Nepal. A river trip is the opportunity to experience the thrill of passing rapids, paddling, playing sand volleyball enjoying the natural beauty and most importantly doing all these things with your dear ones.

The decision is all yours. Whether you want to buy new gadget that becomes old tomorrow or spend the golden time with Himalayan river operator team that you would cherish forever.